wokey brorrr, kali ini ane akan share cara rooting hp acer Z110 sama seperti judul pembahasan diatas, mengapa kok hape acer??? yang jelas hape ane acer Z110, maka dari itu yang ane share cara rooting hape acer. Let's check it out.
- Driver acer Z110, bisa download langsung di website resmi acer.
- Need For Root, silahkan browsing sendiri digoogle kalo agan2 mau download. Didalam folder Need For Root terdapat 4 file/folder yaitu :Scatter Z110, SP Flash Tool v3.1216.05,unlock root 2.4.2. unsecured boot.
- Download USB_Acer_1.0_A23G_A, bisa didownload di website resmi acer.
- Selese dapetin bahan semuanya lanjut ke cara rooting, hisap dulu brorr rokoknya n jgn lupa kopinya ntar keburu dingin..hehehehe.
MTKdroidTools info
> Hardware : MT6575
> Model : Z110
> Build number : Acer_AV023_Z110_1.003.01_EMEA_TIMITS
> Build date UTC : 20121025-095058
> Android v : 2.3.6
> Baseband v: Acer_AV023_MT6575_Z110_1.003.01
> Kernel v : (st2@st2-srv) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #1
Mon Nov 19 12:05:49 CST 2012
> Uboot build v : MAIN2.2.ubt.4154
> LCD Driver IC : 1-by35hp_hx8357
- Open archive Root Acer Z110.zip and extract files in a work folder . When all file are extracted open folder 1-Drivers and choose the folder corresponding the system you are using. Do not connect the device.
- For XP:
- Right click on usb2ser_2kXP.inf ! Install
- Right click on /USB/android_winusb.inf ! Install
- Right click on /VCOM/usbvcom.inf ! Install
- Right click on /VCOM/usbvcom_brom.inf ! Install
- For SEVEN:
- Open Device Manager
- Right click on PC name ! Add legacy hardware ! Add manually
- Repeat the procedure for all drivers
- Start the device, activate debug4 and connect it with USB: if you have Android Composite ADB Interface and Acer MS USB Device in Device Manager, USB and ABD drivers were installed. If you don’t have ADB interface you can install Unlock Root and press root (root still won’twork but you will asked to install drivers).
- Disconnect and power off your smartphone, take out the battery and reinsert it after few seconds. Reconnect the phone (turned off) while pressing Volume + button: If Device Manager shows Preloader MT6575 or similar under Ports (COM & LPT) VCOM drivers are properly installed. Disconnect your smartphone.
- Download the original UK ROM and extract the ROM folder from the archive. Add the files to folder 3b-Rom without overwriting the file MT6575_Android_scatter.txt.
- Select only BOOTIMG and load (double click) the file Z110_boot_patched.img.
- #3. don’t have Seven installed on my PC, I made the whole root process on XP 32bit so real names could be different from what I’m writing
- #4. Menu-Settings-Applications-Development-Debug USB.
- Press download (or F9) and select YES to the warning that appears.
- Connect your smartphone while pressing Volume + (without leaving it until the end of the procedure): the flashing procedure should start automatically, and you will see the loading bar change color three
times. At the end of the procedure you will see a green circle. - Unplug the device, remove and reinsert the battery and restart it.
- Start Unlock Root, connect your smartphone (power on) and click
ROOT: the device should be rooted in a few minutes and you will be
prompted to restart (reboot). After 2 reboots, (automatic) check for
Superuser in app drawer.
please read before you do it:
- admin tidak bertanggung jawab pada hape agan kalo mengalami kerusakan saat rooting berlangsung, maka dari itu baca baik2 instruksinya dan kalo tidak mengerti jangan paksa diri coba ditranslate pake google translate.
- rooting hape untuk semua merk hape android beresiko kehilangan garansi resmi dari vendor hape.
- kalo hape behasil dirooting maka dimenu ada tambahan ikon "SUPER USER", jika di hape agan2 ada ikon tersebut maka hape agan sukses rooting, kalo tidak muncul ikon tersebut maka hape agan belum sukses rooting.